created by Faz.Tak lawa mana pun :P
Habis je buat arca ni.eceh!haha.Faz terus ambil kamera and tangkap gambar.Sampai aje bilik hotel,Faz upload gambar ni dekat Facebook and Twitter.and guess what?!Forteen komen gambar tuh kat Facebbok.mmg tak sangka gile!OMG!can you imagine that!tub pun thanks to my friend yang tag diorang,if not,diorang tak kan komen punya because beribu peminat Forteen share photo masing-masing kat page diorang.seriously,jantung macam nak meletup masa tuh *DUPDADUPDAP* haha LOL and kat Twitter pun sama, Izzue just Retweet and Ariz komen, "wow,thanks!". atototo.comel Ariz. *okay stop it Faz*
Sorry lah,screen shot Faz tak boleh nak captured.hampagas betul.time tuh juga dia tak boleh nak captured -,- |
Huuuu,what a life!memang kembang sekuntum lah masa tuh.ahaks!but,to sad..One and Ameer tak balas pun. *cebik muka* huhuhu.tak pe lah.In words of Justin Bieber 'NEVER SAY NEVER".LOLOLOL!hahaokay sebelum Faz tambah merepek baik Faz tidur dulu.mood tidur dalam perjalanan nak datang *okay,sudah merepek* That's all for now,bubye! :D