Monday, 26 December 2011

Forteen Fever Part2

Aiyaaa Aiyaaa!Still got Forteen Fever.What should I do now T__T
Haha,okay.Korang dah tengok video atas ni?Sweet bukan?Faz sampai nak tergelak melolong pun ada bila tengok muka diorang yang comel loteh ni.awww awww *senyum sampai ke telinga* Faz memang seronok bila tengok diorang buat aksi spontan dengan Dina *lagi satu lupa nama,ahaks* Eventhough they are top and popular now,but they still not sombong or bongkak *I'm proud!* Lepas tengok aja video ni,my fever terus melonjak naik! *100++ darjah tuh,LOL* Tweet dekat Ariz Forteen,but dia tak on9 pulak,huhu.Nasib baik kakak angkat dia On9.Apa lagi,Faz terus lah tweet kat kakak angkat dia "akak,mana Ariz?dah lama tak update Twitter?" And then dia reply "Ariz ngah tido tuh... pi kejot dier. jerit nama dia kuat²" Ahaks,agak kelakar kakak angkat dia.LOL!And plus,diorang punya lagu 'Berdua Bersatu' still Top 10 in era!Congrats Forteen! And for those who stil not vote Forteen in ABPH,vote jangan tak vote! ^_^

One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful

wow,at first I don't know who they are.Seriously..everyday I saw my friend tweet about them like "Zayn!I love you" "Zayn I hope you will come to Malaysia" "Zayn Malik is the best yaw" "I love that groups,LOVE One Direction!" and etc.I wonder who the heck are they.So,one day..haha,I mean 30 minutes ago I asked my friend on Twitter about Zayn Malik and others.And then my friend said that Zayn Malik is a singer in One Direction and they are the hottest British boyband.I just like woah,asal Faz tak pernah dengar sebelum ni? *muka terkejut :O * Oh,plus,diorang jugak nyanyi 'What makes you Beautiful' *Top music dalam Hitz fm tuh!* So,Faz terus buka You Tube and search One Direction.Bila dengar aje lagu diorang *what makes you beautiful* terus Faz minat dengan One Direction *but FORTEEN is still my No.1.hee* And I like the lyrics too!especially part "Don't need make-up to cover up,being the way that you are is enough" awww! that's all for tonight.And now,I produce you.. *bunyi gendang*...... ONE DIRECTION!!terimlah, What Makes You Beautiful :')

Sunday, 25 December 2011


Yeah,I think I got Insomnia laready.haha.LOL.okay,I don't know what to share about.banyak sangat interesting stories yang Faz nak cerita.but now it's 2.15am and my kepala dah slow sikit.tak boleh nak berfungsi.ahaks!maybe esok lah yer.okay bubye :3

Wednesday, 21 December 2011


aaaa *menguap*..Once again,I can't sleep.Aiyaaa. It's 4.16am already.Mood tidur tak datang lagi.Orang tua-tua cakap,kalau kita selalu tidur lambat,nanti kita jadi burung hantu.uikkk.apakah?haha, Faz want to share something.You know what?The main reason I can't sleep because I GOT FORTEEN FEVER!!hell yeah!I don't know since when..Maybe since Ariz Forteen balas tweet hari tu kot. *semua tweet peminat dia balas,bukan aku sorang je,aku yang perasan melebih.ahaks!* Baru-baru ni Forteen ada aktiviti kat Pantai Kelebang,Melaka.And once again,Faz tak boleh datang because at the same time Faz dekat Pulau Cenang,Langkawi.OMG,it so not cool *muka pandang lantai sambil buat muka sedih* sedih tahap dewa lah katakan.Faz apa lagi,duduk termenung lah tepi pantai sambil melayan lagu 'Ombak Rindu'.. *berangan jadi Maya Karin.LOL* And suddenly I got an idea.Faz ambil batang kayu and lakar nama FORTEEN dekat atas pasir pantai and hias dengan cengkarang *yang bukan cengkerang pun termasuk juga.ahaks!* It takes 30 minutes nak siap benda tuh.bukan apa,diganggu oleh mamat and minah salleh yang lalu lalng kat situ.haha.and jeng jeng jenggg..inilah hasilnya

  created by Faz.Tak lawa mana pun :P

Habis je buat arca ni.eceh!haha.Faz terus ambil kamera and tangkap gambar.Sampai aje bilik hotel,Faz upload gambar ni dekat Facebook and Twitter.and guess what?!Forteen komen gambar tuh kat Facebbok.mmg tak sangka gile!OMG!can you imagine that!tub pun thanks to my friend yang tag diorang,if not,diorang tak kan komen punya because beribu peminat Forteen share photo masing-masing kat page diorang.seriously,jantung macam nak meletup masa tuh *DUPDADUPDAP* haha LOL and kat Twitter pun sama, Izzue just Retweet and Ariz komen, "wow,thanks!". atototo.comel Ariz. *okay stop it Faz*

Sorry lah,screen shot Faz tak boleh nak captured.hampagas betul.time tuh juga dia tak boleh nak captured -,-

 Huuuu,what a life!memang kembang sekuntum lah masa tuh.ahaks!but,to sad..One and Ameer tak balas pun. *cebik muka* huhuhu.tak pe lah.In words of Justin Bieber 'NEVER SAY NEVER".LOLOLOL!hahaokay sebelum Faz tambah merepek baik Faz tidur dulu.mood tidur dalam perjalanan nak datang *okay,sudah merepek* That's all for now,bubye! :D

Friday, 16 December 2011

Hello Langkawi :D

Ahhh at last.selamat juga sampai ke Langkawi.Dari Puncak Alam ke Pulau Pinang.And then tidur sehari kat rumah Tok.Pagi pagi buta tadi sambung perjalanan ke Langkawi.It takes 2 hours from Peneng to Langkawi.Sampai aja jeti Kuala Perlis terus beli tiket and then naik feri *lupa namanya.ahaks!* ambil masa sejam nak sampai ke Langkawi.huuu.penat tahap gaban lah katakan.kepala pun tgh pening sebab naik feri.haiyaa.nanti dalam pukul 5.30 nak turun mandi pantai.yeehaa!nasib baik hotel betul-betul depan pantai.ngee~

Tuesday, 13 December 2011


Morning!Today is 14/,maknanya kene pack barang because esok dah kene bertolak ke Langkawi.OH yeahhh..seriously Faz zakap,Faz rasa pelik sebab dalam dua bulan ni bnyk gila tempat Faz pergi bercuti
-Universal Studio,Singapore
-A'Famosa resort,Melaka
-Pulau Pinang
-Port Dickson
Okay,agak bnyk.Kadang2 terfikir jugak asal tiba2 nak melancong bnyk tmpt.mcm lah tahun depan dah x boleh pergi.*buat muka*or maybe it is because next year Faz dah duduki SPM and x boleh keluar outing kerap sgt?maybe...

Forteen :D

okay,ni dah kali ke-2 saya update blog untk malam maklumlah,dah berbulan x update kan.haha.actually Faz still sedih because x dapat nak dtg ke show Forteen kat Kompleks Sungai Buloh Ahad lepas.At first,my mom bagi permission untk pergi ke show Forteen.Faz apa lagi gembira tahap gaban lah.LOL.but,2 hours later,my mom bagi tahu yang rupa rupanya my mom terpaksa ambil my dad at KLIA.seriously,at that time Faz rasa macam nak nangis melalak,nak imagine?okay just imagine yang korang kene tipu.hah,mcm tuh lah kott :P
Petang tuh juga Faz tweet kat Ariz Forteen sebab sedih x dapat tengok show diorang.And guess what?dia balas.x sangka pula dia balas.hehee.I still remember his tweet "lorh,tu lah.Tggu Faz xde pun.Xpe lah next time ada peluang jom datang show kami k?"  haha,Faz terkejut beruk.he just call me Faz!Trust me,u don't know how loud I screamed in my room.haha.

*yeah,let me introduce you,Ariz..baru je potong rambut. :)

Hello Back!

OMG!seriously dah lama tak update.Blog pun dah berhabuk and bersawang.haha.actually Faz terlupa password sebenarnye.thanks to my iPod because dulu Faz ada simpan password and email dalam iPod.Fuhh,nasib baik.kalau tak,terpaksa buat Blog baru. :)

Friday, 2 September 2011

new iphone on Twitpic

new iphone on Twitpic

haha..actually this is not mine.this phone belongs to Justin Bieber!yup.Red colour.I thought he would buy purple colour.. :O

Sunday, 7 August 2011

what a horrible day!

GILA!!!semua gambar 'simpson' ada tag nama bdk perempuan tuh..mmg sah lar 'simpson' suka dier..hmm.nak mcm mana.dah dier suker org laen.waaaa!asal aq rse sedey ni??!kate dah x suka kat 'simpson' lagi.x kan lar cinta dah berputik blk.Eeee.please NO!aq x nak jatuh lagi ke lubang yang sama.Guys,please help me!


OMG!jelesnyer..semua kwn2 dlm twitter dah ada byk followers..I nly just have 308 followers on sad lar!

berbuka with my whole family

yup..tadi berbuka with my whole family.actually not all,just my auntie and her family only.haha.ya,but ramai jugak.and today I was so tired.tlg mak memasak.haha.memasak?of course lah skema girl pandai memasak.just part nak masak kuah je lar my mom masak tom yam,smabal sotong,tempe goreng,ayam rempah and many more!mcm nak buat kenduri pulak:P

anyway,skrg ni dah kenyang.Burp!Alhamdulillah...sedappp and terbaeekk *thumbs up.hehe.okay then.that's all for now.gotta go!Bubye! =D

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

second day of puasa

haha,walaupun puasa,skema girl rasa mcm tak penat.Thanks to my belove friends especially to Khalisha a.k.a Jessie J.haha.I call her Jessie cause she like Price tag song.In class,all my classmates do their own works.But,me and my friend duduk kat blkg sekali and bersembang ajew.(budak cemerlang lar katakan).
And the best part is,hari ni skema girl dpt lepas drpd kene cubit dgn cikgu Math.yela,mane x nyer,dah mmg betul2 kertas tuh hilang nak mcm mana kann?and one thing,tak kan lar bulan puasa nak menipu,ish,kuranglar pahala,tambahlah dosa :(

Anyway,ari ni 'simpson' tak dtg sebab demam.alolol,kesiannya..tapi nak mcm mna.dah takdir dia demam kann.hmm,as his friend and his ex-crush I just pray for his healthy.AMIN :)

Monday, 1 August 2011

not in mood

Today I dont have any mood.Because of what?because of that 'simpson' boy.he is so annoying,berlagak macho and poyo.urgh..If I can get him now,rase mcm nak cekik cekik jer.U know what,3 years I was waiting for his LOVE.but,dia x pernah nak hormat cinta Skema Girl ni.and he also never give me any chances!what kind of boy he is.maybe he's handsome boy,so he can only couple with pretty and cutie girl,mcm tuh lar.hey,HELLO!please dont judge a book by its cover okay!maybe Skema Girl x lawa and pakai cermin mata but please lar,x semetinya orang yang lawa hatinya pon lawa.Am I right?

mood: Dont know :/

Sunday, 31 July 2011

I'm wearing purple shirts! @justinbieber fav. colour :) on Twitpic

I'm wearing purple shirts! @justinbieber fav. colour :) on Twitpic

hahaha..captured by belieber!wearing a purple shirt just like wearing bieber's shirt :D


OMG..malangnya nasib skema girl..bila dapat tahu jer 'Simpson' tuh fall in love with someone that I heart stopped.and skema girl just terdiam..mcm mana bole jadi mcm ni!!!argh..tension,plus tomorrow is fasting day and I need to get up around 4.15am for sahur.dah lar nnt kat skolah kene tgk muka 'Simpson' yg selalu lalu lalang dpn kelas..urgh.bak kata org indon, 'sebel!' (x tau ejenye btol atau x)

mood- :(


Tomorrow is fasting day..yeah! :D

Selena Gomez & The Scene - Love You Like A Love Song

Shopping for Hari Raya

heyya! tiring lar..just got back from Jusco,Bukit and my family bought some baju raya from JJ.and the best part is..I got my new favourite jeans (GOOGLE)!hooray.hmm,okay change the topic =..=
.tomorrow all muslim akan berpuasa.and ya,this month skema girl akan kurus.haha.LOL :D

mood: =)

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Good Morning!

Good Morning everyone!today Skema girl will have a big big day!!yup..and my mom and dad still x bangun lg..urgh..wait!baru pukul 4.15!!aiyakkk :P



wow,at last!I made my own blog.for ur information I never have a blog..but now I have one.hoorayy!!skema girl is so happy today!haha.

mood :)
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