Monday, 26 December 2011

Forteen Fever Part2

Aiyaaa Aiyaaa!Still got Forteen Fever.What should I do now T__T
Haha,okay.Korang dah tengok video atas ni?Sweet bukan?Faz sampai nak tergelak melolong pun ada bila tengok muka diorang yang comel loteh ni.awww awww *senyum sampai ke telinga* Faz memang seronok bila tengok diorang buat aksi spontan dengan Dina *lagi satu lupa nama,ahaks* Eventhough they are top and popular now,but they still not sombong or bongkak *I'm proud!* Lepas tengok aja video ni,my fever terus melonjak naik! *100++ darjah tuh,LOL* Tweet dekat Ariz Forteen,but dia tak on9 pulak,huhu.Nasib baik kakak angkat dia On9.Apa lagi,Faz terus lah tweet kat kakak angkat dia "akak,mana Ariz?dah lama tak update Twitter?" And then dia reply "Ariz ngah tido tuh... pi kejot dier. jerit nama dia kuat²" Ahaks,agak kelakar kakak angkat dia.LOL!And plus,diorang punya lagu 'Berdua Bersatu' still Top 10 in era!Congrats Forteen! And for those who stil not vote Forteen in ABPH,vote jangan tak vote! ^_^

One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful

wow,at first I don't know who they are.Seriously..everyday I saw my friend tweet about them like "Zayn!I love you" "Zayn I hope you will come to Malaysia" "Zayn Malik is the best yaw" "I love that groups,LOVE One Direction!" and etc.I wonder who the heck are they.So,one day..haha,I mean 30 minutes ago I asked my friend on Twitter about Zayn Malik and others.And then my friend said that Zayn Malik is a singer in One Direction and they are the hottest British boyband.I just like woah,asal Faz tak pernah dengar sebelum ni? *muka terkejut :O * Oh,plus,diorang jugak nyanyi 'What makes you Beautiful' *Top music dalam Hitz fm tuh!* So,Faz terus buka You Tube and search One Direction.Bila dengar aje lagu diorang *what makes you beautiful* terus Faz minat dengan One Direction *but FORTEEN is still my No.1.hee* And I like the lyrics too!especially part "Don't need make-up to cover up,being the way that you are is enough" awww! that's all for tonight.And now,I produce you.. *bunyi gendang*...... ONE DIRECTION!!terimlah, What Makes You Beautiful :')

Sunday, 25 December 2011


Yeah,I think I got Insomnia laready.haha.LOL.okay,I don't know what to share about.banyak sangat interesting stories yang Faz nak cerita.but now it's 2.15am and my kepala dah slow sikit.tak boleh nak berfungsi.ahaks!maybe esok lah yer.okay bubye :3
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