haha,walaupun puasa,skema girl rasa mcm tak penat.Thanks to my belove friends especially to Khalisha a.k.a Jessie J.haha.I call her Jessie cause she like Price tag song.In class,all my classmates do their own works.But,me and my friend duduk kat blkg sekali and bersembang ajew.(budak cemerlang lar katakan).
And the best part is,hari ni skema girl dpt lepas drpd kene cubit dgn cikgu Math.yela,mane x nyer,dah mmg betul2 kertas tuh hilang nak mcm mana kann?and one thing,tak kan lar bulan puasa nak menipu,ish,kuranglar pahala,tambahlah dosa :(
Anyway,ari ni 'simpson' tak dtg sebab demam.alolol,kesiannya..tapi nak mcm mna.dah takdir dia demam kann.hmm,as his friend and his ex-crush I just pray for his healthy.AMIN :)
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
Monday, 1 August 2011
not in mood
Today I dont have any mood.Because of what?because of that 'simpson' boy.he is so annoying,berlagak macho and poyo.urgh..If I can get him now,rase mcm nak cekik cekik jer.U know what,3 years I was waiting for his LOVE.but,dia x pernah nak hormat cinta Skema Girl ni.and he also never give me any chances!what kind of boy he is.maybe he's handsome boy,so he can only couple with pretty and cutie girl,mcm tuh lar.hey,HELLO!please dont judge a book by its cover okay!maybe Skema Girl x lawa and pakai cermin mata but please lar,x semetinya orang yang lawa hatinya pon lawa.Am I right?
mood: Dont know :/
mood: Dont know :/
Sunday, 31 July 2011
I'm wearing purple shirts! @justinbieber fav. colour :) on Twitpic
I'm wearing purple shirts! @justinbieber fav. colour :) on Twitpic
hahaha..captured by belieber!wearing a purple shirt just like wearing bieber's shirt :D
OMG..malangnya nasib skema girl..bila dapat tahu jer 'Simpson' tuh fall in love with someone that I konw..my heart stopped.and skema girl just terdiam..mcm mana bole jadi mcm ni!!!argh..tension,plus tomorrow is fasting day and I need to get up around 4.15am for sahur.dah lar nnt kat skolah kene tgk muka 'Simpson' yg selalu lalu lalang dpn kelas..urgh.bak kata org indon, 'sebel!' (x tau ejenye btol atau x)
mood- :(
mood- :(
Shopping for Hari Raya
arrrr..so tiring lar..just got back from Jusco,Bukit Raja.me and my family bought some baju raya from JJ.and the best part is..I got my new favourite jeans (GOOGLE)!hooray.hmm,okay change the topic =..=
.tomorrow all muslim akan berpuasa.and ya,this month skema girl akan kurus.haha.LOL :D
mood: =)
arrrr..so tiring lar..just got back from Jusco,Bukit Raja.me and my family bought some baju raya from JJ.and the best part is..I got my new favourite jeans (GOOGLE)!hooray.hmm,okay change the topic =..=
.tomorrow all muslim akan berpuasa.and ya,this month skema girl akan kurus.haha.LOL :D
mood: =)